
Showing posts from October, 2017

Filters in the Pivot report explained

The filters in Wise Analyzer pivot reports are default " Exclusive Filters ", meaning that you are deselecting items you don't want to see.  This can, in version 5, be easily seen in the status bar below the report after you have changed any filter: Here I have deselect "Beef House" and that can be seen in the status bar. Now, if you want to reverse this (show only Beef House and nothing else) and you want to save this filter for future use, then you also need to change the behavior of the filter to be "Inclusive filter".  If not it will show/and behave like this: Here I have pressed the Invert Filter, but not changed it's behavior, thus the sell to customer filter now excludes all customers loaded into this dataset, and those customers will not be included, however if I select another period with other customers, they will be. The trick here is to change the filter to "Inclusive" by pressing the star icon on the filter form: