What is new in version 5.0

Wise Analyzer 5.0 comes with 20 + reports/analysis, some old and some new. Furthermore, many previous reports/analysis have been upgraded and enhanced.
Here are some of the changes described.

Improved G/L Analysis - Enhanced

In the G/L Analysis you can now view your Income statement month by month, see the trend graphically and double click on any value to see all the entries in that month.

KPI's and Excel export has also been enhanced and in the filtering for Departments and Project we have added the <empty> filter and a clear button.

hint: to deselect the budget selection, press Ctrl-delete when the focus is on the Budget drop-down editor.

Drill down window - Enhanced

Each drill down window (the window that opens when you double click on a cell in Wise Analyzer) now remembers how you left it last.  So all changes in summaries, filtering, column order and column visibility is kept.

Aged Accounts Receivable and Payable - Enhanced

Here you can now select the "Aged as of date" and analyze all your receivables and payable in dynamic buckets and by Currency code, Payment terms code etc.

G/L Dimension Analysis - New

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, a dimension is data that you can add to an entry as a kind of marker. This data is used to group entries with similar characteristics, such as customers, regions, products, and salesperson, and easily retrieve these groups for analysis.
A two-dimensional analysis, for example, would be sales per area. However, by using more than two dimensions when creating an entry, you can carry out a more complex analysis, such as sales per sales campaign per customer group per area.
The new G/L Dimension Analysis allows you to do just that, based on the dimensions you have already set up in your Dynamics NAV.

SQL Query Builder (enterprise only) - Enhanced

Now you can choose any SQL Database to create queries from and you can use parameters in the query for your users to further narrow the result set coming from the SQL server.  The NAV intelligence has also been updated to translate options fields correctly to its text equivalent. 


New dashboards and a Dashboard Editor (enterprise only) has been added


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